Saturday, November 17, 2018

Revolution of Gaming


                     Hi everyone I'm GOKULNATH & I'm doing my B.Sc Visual Communication in SATHYABAMA UNIVERSITY this is my first time in blogging and as a first timer  I've got many interesting facts about GAMING .. That is how the gaming was created and brought into this world..... ETC., now lets start to know the interesting facts :...…….._


Gaming refers to video Games that are available in different platforms. some say  Gaming is worthless, time wasting etc...….. then why people play games? gives relaxing feels while playing , help us to forget our problems..... not only childrens plays video games even the teens, adults 
many people plays video games

The first video was "CATHODE RAY TUBE AMUSEMENT DEVICE".it was discovered in 1947
and then it develops into THE PONG in 1972 A arcade legend was creates a revolution in gaming history.In Earlies THE ATARI was the legend in Gaming industries and then NINTENDO's, SEGAwas the next in creating Games and consoles.A CONSOLES is a platform that helps us to Experiences the gaming the Nintendo create a hand held console called" GAME BOY" 

And finally the SONY begin to step in gaming world And its change the total gaming world by releasing THE PLAYSTATION ,a gaming console in 1995 its slightly dominant SEGA and In 2000 the sony announce the PLAYSTATION 2 its the best consoles of all in Gaming world.....and its lead to the SEGA to exit form it...………and its release the ps3 another successful step in gaming world and recently there release the PS4 a one of the most powerful consoles.... and it also can be play in virtual reality.....
microsoft's XBOX 
 In 2001,Microsoft also began to enter the house of consoles by releasing the XBOX it gives same experience as playstation…… also began get good feedback in gaming market...…..and it 2005 MICROSOFT announce its next step in gaming consoles by releasing the XBOX 360..... it was the best consoles in that time it began a revolution online gaming experience...…….they announced the XBOX ONE and XBOX ONE S the another powerful consoles... it gives unique experience......

 PC gaming …….. the most powerful one in Gaming world but its not like consoles ……. its more than that consoles.... it can outrun any Consoles only if we have the expensive pc.... it requires more components..... it gives a super experiences then anything


                     IF you don't have big pc , gaming console or xbox… don't worry the gaming was also can be experienced in mobiles..... even its not like in consoles and pc..... its also have unique style....nowadays people mostly have mobiles.... it can be fun, relaxing and also you can play with your friends...……………

Real meaning of gaming:
                      by gaming also some people learn things.... like the simulation games it will be like real life controls... and some games based on history.. like that all games means something.....its like partner to you....

Gaming Industries:
                     some people in society say your going waste your life gaming..... just ignore them they don't know that the gaming industries have many benefits in future..... if your interest in gaming.... then choose your career in gaming they are job...…
And I'm not saying that we should not be in gaming always its one world but theres also a world outside ……. be leveled in  everything......

                             In todays world GAMING plays a big part around TEENAGERS we're changing the world through GAMING .

                                           VIVANCO GAMERZ

                                                                                                            article by :-


  1. Amazing blog👌 ,it was informative about gaming & history.good one 👍

  2. Interesting article.. .Hats off to the gaming world... Keep blogging

  3. Nice and good info about gaming world ....seems you're a pretty good gamer heh bro ...hats off to you

  4. Good man I like gaming and I got some new informations from this article...

  5. Nice blog...Good information
